GUANG FU ANCIENT TOWN(广府古城) The town is located in Yongnian County ,It is 25km away from urban city in the northeast. The town is an ancient town which is firstly built in Sui Dynasty,The town is a water town for there is a river and a lake just surround it.The town is a Thai Chi town, because here is the cradle of Yang Style(杨氏) and Wu Style(武氏) of Chinese Thai Chi Quan, The city wall and the old residences preserved well ,It’s a wonderful place to be traveled.古城坐落于永年县。市中心东北方向25公里。这座古老的老城始建于隋朝。古城被称为水城是因为被一河和一湖环绕。老城也是太极之城,因为这里是中国太极拳中杨氏和武氏太极的摇篮。城墙和老宅被保护的很好,是旅游绝佳去处。 ACIENT CITY WATER CITY TAI CHI CITY HANDAN TRAVEL 邯郸之旅 THE CAPITAL OF IDIOMS AND SET PHRASES 成语之乡 THE HOMETOWN OF THAI CHI CHUAN 太极之乡 THE BEST TOURISM CITY OF COUNTRY 最佳旅游城市 CHINESE CITY OF HISTORYCAL AND CULTURE FAME 中国历史文化名城 PART ONE: A BRIFE INTRODUCTION 概况 Handan City is located in the south part of Hebei Province ,It is 150km away from the capital of Hebei Province Shijiazhuang City in the north, and 450km from the Beijing City.邯郸市坐落在河北省南部,北距石家庄150公里,北京450公里。 It abuts on three provinces: Shanxi, Shandong and Henan. Therefor,Handan City is one of the central cities of Zhongyuan zone.邯郸市在山西,山东,河南三省交界处,因此邯郸是据于中原地区中心的城市之一。 In the west, it closes to Mountain Taihang, the graceful hills overflows with mineral resources. such as coal and ironstone. in the east, it strides Huabei Plains which yields various agricultural products and economic crops . so that it has the reputation of being the Barn of grains and Sea of Cotton. 邯郸市西靠太行山,连绵的山脉蕴藏丰富的矿产资源诸如煤炭和铁石矿。而东面的华北大平原则生产各种农产品和经济作物。因此邯郸有谷仓和棉海的美誉。 The total area of Handan city is 12,000 square kilometers .It has a population 8,640,000 people among which 1,500,000 people lives in urban areas. In 1985, it is claimed as an open city by the State Council. It is approved by State Council as a “ bigger city” in 1992,and “Historic City” in 1994. It dominates 4 districts (Hanshan District, Congtai District, Fuxing District, Fengfeng Mining District), one city (Wu An City), 14 counties There are 214 towns, and 5366 administrative villages. 邯郸市总面积12000平方公里,人口8640000,其中1500000人口居住在市中心。1985年,邯郸市被国务院确认为开放城市。1993年,被认定为大城市,1994年被认定为历史文化名城。邯郸市辖四区:邯山区,丛台区,复兴区,峰峰矿区,一市武安市,辖14县,214镇,5366个村。 Han dan is unique in the list of Chinese place-names, for it has been used since the ancient time and never made any change, while no other city in China enjoying such a way of naming. In the word, Han is the name of a mountain, Dan means the end of the mountain.Therefor the name of Handan means a city where moutain Han ends. 邯郸是中国城市命名录中特别的一个,因为自古以来这个名字一直使用从未变过,没有任何城市以此方式命名过。 在文字上,邯是一座山的名字,郸是山尽头的意思。邯郸意思指邯山尽头的城市。 Handan has a long history of more than 7,300 years since Handanese lived here. Cishan Culture was discovered in this region(wuan county), which kept the earliest records of planting grains(粟)and walnuts(核桃) and raising poultry(鸡).自有记载人类居住于此,邯郸已有7300多年悠久历史。武安市发现的磁山文化有最早的人类种植粟,核桃和养鸡的记录。 In history, Handan used to be the capital of Zhao kingdom, one of the seven greatest kingdoms during Warring-states periods. In Han dynasty, Handan maintained one the five biggest cities. Handan had been prosperous for about 500 years.历史上,邯郸曾经是战国七雄-赵国的首都。汉朝时期,邯郸是五个最大的城市之一,并且一直繁荣了500年。 PART TOW: HISTORICLA RELICS历史遗迹 CONGTAI PLATFORM(丛台) The platform is said to be built firstly during the period of Zhao Wu Ling Wang,and rebuilt in Ming Dynasty.The current existing platform is 26 meters high with three layers.The platform is very famous in history,Libai and Emperor Qianlong had been here and wrote peoms about it.据说丛台始建于赵武灵王时期,明朝进行重建。现存的丛台有三层,26米高。丛台在历史上非常有名,李白和乾隆皇帝曾到此并且为它赋诗。 明 碑 邯郸碑林 二度梅 七 贤 祠 LEANING WALKING BRIDGE(学步桥) The bridge located on the middle street of old city area,acrossing qin river. It was originally made of wood,The present one was build during Wanli period in Ming Dynasty.The whole bridge is 8 meters high,32 meters long,9 meters wide.The name is form the story “leaning walking in Handan” recorded in the bookzhuangxi qiushui 学步桥在老城中街上,横跨沁河。最早是用木头制造,现存的学步桥于明代万历年间。整座桥高8米,长32米,宽9米。其命名来自于“邯郸学步”的,故事记载于庄子。秋水。 HUICHE LANE(回车巷) Huiche lane means a lane for giving way to others.It is about 75 meters long and 1.8 meter wide,It’s said that the top officail Linxiangru had ever given way to general Lianpo during zhao kingdom,Although the lane is short and narrow,but it contains five chinese idoms,”“怒发冲冠、完璧归赵、负荆请罪、刎颈之交、将相和” 回车巷意思是在此巷中为别人让路。长约75米,宽1.8米。据说赵国时期,高官蔺相如曾经为将军廉颇在此巷中让路。虽然这条巷子很短很狭窄,但是却生出五个成语: XIANGTANGSHAN GROTTOES(响堂山石窟) This relic is a group of buddihist grottoes in Moutain xiangtangshan in fengfeng mining distric,which is constituted with three parts :Northen xiangtang Grottoes;Southen xiangtang Grottoes and Shuiyusi Grottoes.这个遗迹是位于峰峰矿区响堂山上的一组佛教石窟。包括三部分,北响堂,南响堂和shuiyusi石窟 Acording to Mr.Liangsicheng’s resrech,The grottoes was firstly caved in Beiqi Dynasty (550-577),There exists now 18 grottoes,4300 buddha statues,and lots of jingwen inscripted on stonewalls.It is the tressure to study buddasim , architecture, caving,painting,handwriting.It can compare with Longmen and Yungang grottoes. 根据梁思成先生的研究,石窟始建于北齐时期。尚存石窟18座,4300多座雕像,和众多刻在石壁上的经文。是学习佛教,建筑,雕刻,绘画,书法的珍贵史料。可以和龙门石窟,云冈石窟齐名。