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Workplace Stress:工作压力.doc

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Workplace Stress:工作压力.doc


Workplace Stress:工作压力
Workplace Stress Adapted from the Candian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Can workplace stress be defined? We hear a lot about stress, but what is it? Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary defines stress as the result produced when a structure, system or organism is acted upon by forces that disrupt equilibrium or produce strain. In simpler terms, stress is the result of any emotional, physical, social, economic, or other factors that require a response or change. It is generally believed that some stress is okay (sometimes referred to as challengeor positive stress) but when stress occurs in amounts that you cannot handle, both mental and physical changes may occur. Stress in the workplace can have many origins or come from one single event. It can impact on both employees and employers alike. As stated by the Canadian Mental Health Association: Fear of job redundancy, layoffs due to an uncertain economy, increased demands for overtime due to staff cutbacks act as negative stressors. Employees who start to feel the pressure to perform can get caught in a downward spiral of increasing effort to meet rising expectations with no increase in job satisfaction. The relentless requirement to work at optimum performance takes its toll in job dissatisfaction, employee turnover, reduced efficiency, illness and even death. Absenteeism, illness, alcoholism, petty internal politics, bad or snap decisions, indifference and apathy, lack of motivation or creativity are all by-products of an over stressed workplace. (From: Canadian Mental Health Association, Sources of Workplace Stress Richmond, British Columbia) I have heard stress can be both good and bad. Is this true? Some stress is normal. In fact, it is often what provides us with the energy and motivation to meet our daily challenges both at home and at the workplace. Stress in these situations is the kind that helps you rise to a challenge and meet your goals such as deadlines, sales or production targets, or finding new clients. Some people would not consider this challenge a type of stress because, having met the challenge, we are satisfied and happy. However, as with most things, too much stress can have negative impacts. When the feeling of satisfaction turns into exhaustion, frustration or dissatisfaction, or when the challenges at work become too demanding, we begin to see negative signs of stress. What are examples of things that cause stress at the workplace? In the workplace, stress can be the result of any number of situations. Some examples include: Categories of Job Stressors Examples Factors unique to the job workload (overload and underload) pace / variety / meaningfulness of work autonomy (e.g., the ability to make your own decisions about our own job or about specific tasks) shiftwork / hours of work physical environment (noise, air quality, etc) isolation at the workplace (emotional or working alone) Role in the organization role conflict (conflicting job demands, multiple supervisors/managers) role ambiguity (lack of clarity about responsibilities, expectations, etc) level of responsibility Career development under/over-promotion job security (fear of redundancy either from economy, or a lack of tasks or work to do) career development opportunities overall job satisfaction Relationships at work (Interpersonal) supervisors coworkers subordinates threat of violence, harassment, etc (threats to personal safety) Organizational structure/climate participation (or non-participation) in decision-making management style communication patterns Can stress really cause health effects? Yes, stress can have an impact on your overall health. Our bodies are designed, pre-programmed if you wish, with a set of automatic responses to deal with stress. This system is very effective for the short term fight or flight responses we need when faced with an immediate danger. The problem is that our bodies deal with all types of stress in the same way. Experiencing stress for long periods of time (such as lower level but constant stressors at work) will activate this system, but it doesnt get the chance to turn off. The bodys pre-programmed response to stress has been called the Generalized Stress Response and includes: increased blood pressure increased metabolism (e.g., faster heartbeat, faster respiration) decrease in protein synthesis, intestinal movement (digestion), immune and allergic response systems increased cholesterol and fatty acids in blood for energy production systems localized inflammation (redness, swelling, heat and pain) faster blood clotting increased production of blood sugar for energy increased stomach acids Phase Signs/Symptoms Action Phase 1 - Warning Early warning signs are often more emotional than physical and may take a year or more before they are noticeable. feelings of vague anxiety depression boredom apathy emotional fatigue talking about feelings taking a vacation making a change from regular activities taking time for yourself Phase 2 - Mild Symptoms Warning signs have progressed and intensified. Over a period of 6 to 18 months, physical signs may also be evident. sleep disturbances more frequent headaches/colds muscle aches intensified physical and emotional fatigue withdrawal from contact with others irritability intensified depression more aggressive lifestyle changes may be needed. short-term counseling Phase 3 - Entrenched Cumulative Stress This phase occurs when the above phases continue to be ignored. Stress starts to create a deeper impact on career, family life and personal well-being. increased use of alcohol, smoking, non-prescription drugs depression physical and emotional fatigue loss of sex drive ulcers marital discord crying spells intense anxiety rigid thinking withdrawal restlessness sleeplessness The help of medical and psychological professionals is highly recommended. Phase 4 - Severe/ Debilitating Cumulative Stress Reaction This phase is often considered self-destructive and tends to occur after 5 to10 years of continued stress. careers end prematurely asthma heart conditions severe depression lowered self-esteem/self-confidence inability to perform ones job inability to manage personal life withdrawal uncontrolled anger, grief, rage suicidal or homicidal thinking muscle tremors extreme chronic fatigue over-reaction to minor events agitation frequent accidents carelessness, forgetfulness paranoia Significant intervention from professionals. (From: Anschuetz, B.L. The High Cost of Caring: Coping with Workplace Stress in Sharing: Epilepsy Ontario. Posted 29 November 1999) What are some general tips for dealing with stress at the workplace? Where stress in the workplace is caused, for example, by a physical agent, it is best to control it at its source. If the workplace is too loud, control measures to deal with the noise should be implemented where ever possible. If you are experiencing pain from repetitive strain, workstations can be re-designed to reduce repetitive and strenuous movements. Job design is also an important factor. Good job design accommodates an employees mental and physical abilities. In general, the following job design guidelines will help minimize or control workplace stress: the job should be reasonably demanding (but not based on sheer endurance) and provide the employee with at least a minimum of variety in job tasks the employee should be able to learn on the job and be allowed to continue to learn as their career progresses the job should comprise some area of decision-making that the individual can call his or her own. there should be some degree of social support and recognition in the workplace the employee should feel that the job leads to some sort of desirable future Is there anything I can do to help myself deal with the stress I am experiencing? In many cases, the origin of the stress is something that cannot be changed immediately. Therefore, finding ways to help maintain good mental health is essential. There are many ways to be proactive in dealing with stress. In the workplace, you might try some of the following as suggested by the Canadian Mental Health Association: Laughing is one of the easiest and best ways to reduce stress. Share a joke with a co-worker, watch a funny movie at home with some friends, read the comics, and try to see the humor in the situation. Learn to relax, take several deep breaths throughout the day, or have regular stretch breaks. Stretching is simple enough to do anywhere and only takes a few seconds. Take charge of your situation by taking 10 minutes at the beginning of each day to prioritize and organize your day. Be honest with your colleagues, but be constructive and make practical suggestions. Be realistic about what you can change. (From: Canadian Mental Health Association, Sources of Workplace Stress Richmond, British Columbia) What else can I do to improve my overall mental health? Ten general tips for mental health include: 1. build confidence identify your abilities and weaknesses together, accept them build on them and do the best with what you have 2. eat right, keep fit a balanced diet, exercise and rest can help you to reduce stress and enjoy life. 3. make time for family and friends these relationships need to be nurtured; if taken for granted they will not be there to share lifes joys and sorrows. 4. give and accept support friends and family relationships thrive when they are put to the test 5. create a me
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  • 内容提供方:153****9595
  • 审核时间:2018-04-25
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