法国葡萄酒与饮食文化.ppt 全文免费在线看-免费阅读-深圳网站优化推广公司

法国葡萄酒与饮食文化.ppt 10页VIP

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  • 发布时间2017-09-20发布于河北
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Walk through the French language and culture France wine and food culture 法国葡萄酒 France refers to the concept of wine red (Rouge), white (Blanc), rose (Rose) color, alcohol content, such as in the 12% table-wine including sparkling wine champagne before dinner drink, and after dinner digestive cognac brandy.In fact, the output shows that from, ranking first in the world for wine production and exporter was Italy, but people say that the quality of wine, or reference state. France is the worlds leading wine-producing country, Frances wines are not only famous, France, component: annual output value of 8.4 billion euros, of which exports more than 5 billion euros; providing 300,000 jobs.France refers to the concept of wine red (Rouge), white (Blanc), rose (Rose) color, alcohol content, such as in the 12% table-wine including sparkling wine champagne before dinner drink, and after dinner digestive cognac brandy.In fact, the output shows that from, ranking first in the world for wine production and exporter was Italy, but people say that the quality of wine, or reference state. 法国葡萄酒等级 1.?法定产区葡萄酒 2.?优良地区餐酒 3.?地区餐酒 4.?日常餐酒 法定产区葡萄酒,级别简称 AOC,是法国葡萄酒最高级别 A O C等级 AOC在法文意思为“原产地控制命名”。 ——Planted grape varieties in the region of origin, quantity, brewing, alcohol and so on have to be proven. ——Only planted grape of origin must not be blending and grape juice.——AOCYield some France wine production of 35%. ——酒瓶标签标示为 Appellation+产区名+Controlee。 地 区 餐 酒 Regional wine VIN DE PAYS (in English means Wine of Country) --Daily wine in the best wine was upgraded as of regional wine – wine producing areas can be identified on the label. --Blending grape juice within the marked areas can be used, but only for the areas within the grape. --Production accounted for France wine production of 15%. Labeled Vin de Pays+--wine bottle labels-producing area--France most of the wine produced from the South Eastern Mediterranean coast. 日 常 餐 酒 Daily wine VIN DE TABLE (in English means Wine of the table) --Is the most cheap wine for daily drinking. --By different regions formed by the blending of grape juice, grape juice if limited to France-producing areas, said France everyday wine. --Do not use grape juice – production countries outside the Community accounted for France wine production of 38%. --Wine bottle tags labeled Vin de Table 法国葡萄酒最有名的三大产区 France names of the top ten wine producing areas, knowing that three is enough: Bordeaux, Burgundy and champagne. Bordeaux (Bordeaux) in France the West, wine Queen, and modulation of the variety of grape wines, wine; Burgundy (Bourgogne) is located in France East, known for their single wine, wine of Kings; Champagne (Champagne) is located in France where 150 km North-East of Paris, is rich in the worlds first sparkling wine-champagne. 玫瑰红葡萄酒 Roses of red wine is wine family a unique ethnic group, symbolizing romance, love, taste. It is the grape skin 1-2 days of fermentation and grape skins and juice left, then juice alone to continue fermentation, so many wine renders a touch of rose red, clear, soft and filled with fruit flavor, fresh and elegant taste, won the peoples love. Provence rose is the worlds largest wine-producing area. It is the only wine wild wine, can be used with all kinds of food. 法国菜 France cuisine features: Material widely, materials, fresh, beautiful dish, varieties. Dishes are generally higher than for health, but also has a habit of eating lettuce. On the season, heavy wine, and pay attention to what kind of raw material wine. French taste fat thick, fresh cream and spicy 餐桌礼仪文化 Do not rely on the Chair back, posture sitting, eating the body slightly forward, arms close to the body, so as not to hit the table. Allowed on the second hand on the table, but the second could not be elbows on the table. If there are many main dishes, eating after the first dish, waiters deliver fruit juice or Champagne Sorbet, cross-talk, and helps increase the appetite for eating a dish. When you use a knife and fork, starting from the outermost tableware. Used knives and forks, and putting it on the plate, fork teeth out, avoid putting. * * *
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  • 内容提供方:wangshirufeng
  • 审核时间:2017-09-20
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