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命好题——命题与作业的问题诊断 杜集区实验初中 闫先进 爱因斯坦曾说:“提出一个问题往往比解决一个问题更为重要,因为解决一个问题也许只是一个数学上或实验上的技巧问题。而提出新的问题、新的可能性,从新的角度看旧问题,却需要创造性的想像力,而且标志着科学的真正进步” 布置作业是每一位数学教师每天都要思考的问题,命题是每位数学教师经常要面对的事情,而命好题和布置好作业是大家的共同追求.什么样的试题才是好试题 ?什么样的作业才是好作业?命制试题应注意哪些问题?布置作业有哪些要求?今天,让我们共同探究这些问题. 一、我的试题观 说到试题,对于我们一线教师来讲,更多的是应对,即使出题,也大多是从众多的资料中去选择适合的题目,或者将个别题目稍加改动,一般很少去独立的命制原创性试题.象安徽省2006年课改实验区中考压轴题:. 例1.如图( l ) ,凸四边形 ABCD ,如果点P满足∠APD =∠APB =α。且∠B P C =∠CPD =β,则称点P为四边形 ABCD的一个半等角点. ( l )在图( 3 )正方形 ABCD 内画一个半等角点P,且满足α≠β。 ( 2 )在图( 4 )四边形 ABCD 中画出一个半等角点P,保留画图痕迹(不需写出画法) . ( 3 )若四边形 ABCD 有两个半等角点P1 、P2(如图( 2 ) ) ,证明线段P1 P2上任一点也是它的半等角点 。 第23题图 本题创设了一个全新的问题情境——凸四边形的半等角点,既形象又抽象,解决它虽然只用到对称和全等的知识,但得分率极低,主要是因为需要学生较强的阅读理解能力和分析综合推理论证能力,尤其是新概念半等角点的出现,让大批学生望而却步.这是一道具有较高水平的原创题.据说,我省教科所的一名教研员当初编出此题时,兴奋不已,不忍心公开发表,窖藏了一年,到06年中考命题时才贡献了出来.显然,这种题是轻易猜不到的. 虽然编制原创题实属不易,但我们首先应学会欣赏,明白出题者的意图,在此基础上,结合自己的教学经验,可以尝试改编一些试题,这是可以做到的. 一份好的试题,通常应有以下几个特点: 1.以人为本,体现关爱.一份好的试卷,无论内容还是形式上都应当尽可能的渗透德育教育且少留明显的痕迹.试卷上可较多的体现出引导、关爱、信任、鼓励和帮助,努力让学生安全温暖的心理状态下自然地感悟和内省. 我在命制淮北市2008-2009学年度第一学期九年级期末试卷时,当时先设计了卷首语:同学们,新年就要到了,拿什么礼物献给父母呢?当然是优异的成绩了.愿你沉着、认真、自信,不要轻言放弃,你一定能如愿以偿! 考虑到许多初中生做完后匆匆交卷的现状,在卷尾我又设计了温馨提示:恭喜,你已经解答完所有试题,请再仔细检查一遍,你会更满意! 当然,这只是试卷外在结构体现的对学生的关爱,但也给我们广大的数学老师传递一个信号:人文关怀不只是文科老师的专利,作为一名数学老师,同样需要用温暖的胸怀去关爱每一位学生,因为人人都需要爱. 2.试题立意要突出基础性,充分考虑知识点的覆盖率.无论是阶段性考试,还是一年一度的中考,每份试卷都必须突出基础性,面向全体学生,让不同程度的学生都能体验到学习成功的快乐.因此考点应尽可能选择重要的基础的反映学科本质的知识和能力进行考核. 每年中考纲要中,在试卷结构里都明确规定了解水平的试题30%,理解水平的占30%,掌握水平的占20%.其目的就是要保证试卷的基础性. 每年在九年级出模拟试卷时,我总是先对照近三年的中考试卷,画出分析表,从而得出每道题考查的知识点,通过对比,发现每次都出现的知识点视为必考内容,再根据考试要求和总体目标,首先写出本份试卷拟考知识点,再按知识点的考查内容编制适当的试题. 3.试题应注重联系生活实际.好的试题大多选材与生活实际,来源于学生熟悉的背景.这是因为数学课程的总体目标之一就是“初步学会运用数学的思维方式观察、分析、解决日常生活中和其他学科学习中的问题,发展应用数学的意识;体会数学与自然及人类社会的密切关系,增进对数学的理解和学好数学的信心.” 例如,在安徽省2007年中考数学试题中,就有两道和生活息息相关的试题,让我们一起回顾一下: 例2..在“妙手推推推”的游戏中,主持人出示了一个9位数 2 5 8 3 9 6 4 1 7 ,让参加者猜商品价格。被猜的价格是一个4位数,也就是这个9位中从左到右连在一起的某4个数字。如果参与者不知道商品的价格,从这些连在一起的所有4位数中,任意猜一个,求他猜中该商品价格的概率。 分析点评:该题来源于电视节目,在解题过程中,很自然的渗透数学来源于生活,数学服务于生活的思想.同时,学生在做到该题时,已稍稍有些疲劳,在这个游戏中,学生很自然会想到轻松愉快的电视画面,紧张的大脑会得到片刻的放松.由此可见出卷老师的用心良苦. 例3.据报道,我省农作物秸杆的资源巨大,但合理利用量十分有限,2006年的利用率只有30%,大部分秸杆被直接焚烧了,假定我省每年产出的农作物秸杆总量不变,且合理利用量的增长率相同,要使2008年的利用率提高到60%,求每年的增长率。(取≈1.41) 分析点评:该题取材于每年麦子收割时,农民就地焚烧秸秆,既污染了环境,又造成原材料的浪费.通过解题,使学生意识到我们可以通过秸秆的再利用来达到保护环境,节约能源的目的. 可以说,要想出好题,就必须要注意积累素材,注意用数学的眼光观察生活,并及时记录下来,当生活背景与数学知识有机结合时,才能产生好题. 4.试题应体现综合性.课堂教学讲究三维目标的达成,命题也不例外.必须围绕着课程标准的要求将知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度价值观三方面有机的结合起来,形成一个整体.在知识和能力的考查中,应重点考查学科知识的核心内容和基本技能,在过程与方法的考查中,应重点考查学生运用知识分析解决问题的能力;在情感态度价值观方面,应渗透在前两个方面的考查中,通过学生解题,促进其正确思想观念和良好道德品质的形成与发展,尤其值得一提的是数学学科更重要的价值还在于培养学生的科学精神,即求真务实精神、探索创新精神等. 例如安徽省2010年数学中考题的第21题: 例4.上海世博会门票的价格如下表示: 门票价格一览表 指定日普通票 200元 平日优惠票 100元 …… …… 某旅行社准备了1300元,全部用来购买指日普通票和平日票,且每种票至少买一张。 (1)有多少种购票方案?列举所有可能结果; (2)如果从上述方案中任意选一种方案购票,求恰好选到11张门票的概率。 分析点评:本题以购买世博会门票为背景,切入生活,在解题过程中,既考查了学生对概率的认识及分类讨论的思想,又勾起学生对世博会的向往及作为中国人的自豪感.巧妙的把三维目标的实现融为一体,且没有人为强加的痕迹. 5.试题应注意活动探究,体现开放性. 新课程标准把“以学生发展为本”作为新课程的基本理念,以提高学生科学素养,满足全体学生的终身发展需求为培养目的,提出“改变过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练的现状,倡导学生主动参与、乐于研究、勤于思考.” 实践与探究类试题是以考生活动为内容,创设情境,考查考生参与活动的能力,以及对所学知识的理解探究应用以及创新能力的一类试题.在考试内容方面,应加强与社会实际和学生生活经验的联系,重视考察学生分析问题解决问题的能力.要有利于促进学生能力的发展,适当体现开放性,引导学生走出思维定势,培养学生发散思维和创新思维. 例如安徽省2009年数学中考第20题: 例5.如图,将正方形沿图中虚线(其中x<y)剪成①②③④四块图形,用这四块 图形恰能拼成一个矩形(非正方形).的值.题将一张正方形纸片裁剪成四块后,让考生重新拼接成一个矩形(非正方形),再求出一组边长的比值,开放性与实践性很强,甚至于可动手撕纸验证,形成拼接方案。在解上述试题时考生一旦陷入思维误区或方法不当,将会非常耗时,导致靠后的试题没有时间处理而影响数学水平的发挥。AC、AB是⊙O的弦, AB AC. (1)如图1,能否在 AB 上确定一点E,使AC2=AE·AB,为什么? (2)如图2,在条件(1)的结论下,延长EC到P,连结PB.如果PB=PE,试判断PB和⊙O的位置关系,并说明理由. 分析点评:这里第二问实质上是建立在第一问成立的基础上才存在的,而第一问还只是“能否”,并没有作出明确判断.显然,这是一道有问题的试题. 所以,命题时前后内容的逻辑关系也是我们必须考虑的原则之一. 例8.如图,一根直立于水平地面上的木杆AB在灯光下形成影子,当木杆绕点A按逆时针方向旋转直至到达地面时,影子的长度发生变化.设AB垂直于地面时的影长为AC﹙假定AC>AB﹚, 影长的最大值为m,最小值为n,那么下列结论:①m>AC;②m=AC;③n=AB;④影子的长度先增大后减小;正确结论的序号是 . ﹙多填或错填的得0分,少填的酌情给分﹚ 说明:﹙开始表述﹚一根木杆AB在灯光下的影长为AC,当木杆绕点A按逆时针方向旋转直至到达地面时,影长发生变化.已知AB=2米,AC=3米,AO=4米,那么下列结论: ①HC=?;②影长的最大值为2;③影长的最大值为?;④最小值为? 正确的是 例9(2007年安徽省中考第21题)探索n×n的正方形钉子板上(n是钉子板每边上的钉子数),连接任意两个钉子所得到的不同长度值的线段种数: 当n=2时,钉子板上所连不同线段的长度值只有1与,所以不同长度值的线段只有2种,若用S表示不同长度值的线段种数,则S=2; 当n=3时,钉子板上所连不同线段的长度值只有1,,2,,2五种,比n=2时增加了3种,即S=2+3=5。 观察图形,填写下表: 钉子数(n×n) S值 2×2 2 3×3 2+3 4×4 2+3+( ) 5×5 ( ) 写出(n-1)×(n-1)和n×n的两个钉子板上,不同长度值的线段种数之间的关系;(用式子或语言表述均可) 【解】 (3)对n×n的钉子板,写出用n表示S的代数式。 【解】 分析点评:本题是不完全归纳法的一个应用,已知中给出了四个图形,学生利用图形,通过勾股定理的计算,就可以得出n=4和5的结果.但这种规律具有一般性吗?现在大家一起来动手做一做,当n=6时S的值.你能发现什么?这时S的值等于19,并不是按规律推出来的20.这就是说,这种规律并不具有推广性.因此,第二、第三问提供的答案就是错误的.在这里出卷老师其实犯了一个经验性的错误.所以说,试卷不出错既是最基本的要求,同时也是很不容易做到的,尤其是命制创新题时.在这里,也提示我们数学老师在编题时,一定要注意科学性.如果将第二问改为:小明在做完第一问后,就告诉老师发现了“n×n的钉子板比(n-1)×(n-1)的钉子板中不同长度的线段种数增加了n种”,可老师却说,这个结论是错误的.你知道为什么吗?请说明. 7.试题要体现一定的效度,要达到命题者想达到的目的.如果学生在解答试题时,违背了命题人的意愿,使检测某项知识或技能的目标落空,以致试题不能客观地反映学生的知识掌握情况,这样试题就称之为效度低的试题. 例10.如图,等边三角形ABC中, 点D、E分别在BC、AC上,且BD=CE, AD与BE相交于P,则∠APE=( ) (A)30°(B))) 分析点评:本题要考察三角形 全等和三角形外角定理,但由于以选择题的形式成题,学生在做本题时,若通过量角器进行测量,很容易就得到答案.或者采用特殊位置图形法,取D、E为两边中点,则同样可以得到答案.这样一来,命题的目的就得不到检测. 例11如图,已知方格纸中的每个小方格都是相同的正方形,∠AOB画在方格纸上,请在小方格的顶点上标出一个点P,使点P落在∠AOB的平分线上。 说明:一些学生用量角器确定点P。 例12在下列四个三角形中,与右图中的三角形相似的是( ) A B. C. D. 说明:若选用下列图形,从效度来讲,则有所减弱。 A. B C. D 此外,应考虑根据整卷要求确定任务与设问方式,根据需要与合理原则选定数字等方面。 再看06年的压轴题半等角点一题,当年该题的得分率极低.由于半等角点是一个新概念,要求考生在考试状态下理解概念探索性质并获得正确的作图方法,这是一个很高的要求.虽然命题者设置了第一问做铺垫,但由于正方形太特殊,该问实质上并没有起到应有的启示作用.而题中问题标号和图形标号的顺序不一致,给学生认为制造了思维上的混乱.这也不是命题者的原意.若把问题改为(1)求图1中α+β等于多少度?试说明理由.而将原第一问删去.再将三个图的顺序重新排列.这样一来,三个问题层层递进,图形表达准确,自然会更有利于学生正常发挥. 其实,影响一份试卷优劣的因素还有很多,如平均分与期望值之间的差距,信度,效度,区分度,难度系数等,此外,试卷的思想性、人文性、美感也都是命题必须考虑的因素. 新课程标准指出:“评价的主要目的是为了全面了解学生的学习历程,激励学生的学习和改进教师的教学.”考试时对学生阶段学习结果是否达到预期学习目标的一种评价方式.在考试之后,不仅需要把评价的结果反馈给学生,而且要帮助学生查找问题,发现闪光点,既指出不足及改进方案,又肯定优点充满希望.把考试作为学生学习进程中的加油站,通过考试使学生下一阶段的学习更加顺利,更有成效.这就需要我们认真上好试卷讲评课. 但实际教学中试卷讲评课并没有受到许多老师的足够重视,仍然存在只重知识忽视态度,只重讲解缺乏互动,只重数量忽视质量的现象,试卷讲评课上成了答案展示课,浪费了极好的教育时机.其实,每次考试后,学生对自己的考试成绩十分敏感,进步了,精神振奋,热情高涨;退步了,精神沮丧,无所适从.这时教师要抓住最佳时机,从以下几方面上好试卷讲评课: 1.增强信心,重视激励性。试卷讲评课要科学的分析学生的成绩,要本着多鼓励少责备的原则,从不同角度,用变化的眼光,对不同类型的学生进行表扬,是那些成绩较差的学生也有受表扬的机会.记得我在前几年接受一个基础较差的班级时,第一节课我拿了一张大红纸进班,上面书写五个大字:九二班数学光荣榜.并告诉学生,从今往后,每次月考数学成绩的前十名和进步最大的前十名同学将在这张光荣榜上签上自己的名字,比一比,到中考前,谁的名字出现的最多.下面就请上次月考的前十名和成绩进步的前十名同学上台签名.签了名的同学,个个兴高采烈,充满自豪感;没能签名的同学,充满羡慕的眼光,跃跃欲试. 作为教师,千万不要吝啬表扬的语言,不要深藏温暖的目光,因为你的一个小小的爱的举动,都将可能点燃学生求知的渴望和生活的勇气.相反,你的一句讽刺挖苦的语言,一个嘲笑鄙视的目光,则可能将学生推向学习的反面,从此再无学习的兴趣. 2.重视易错点,突出诊断性.考试不仅是检查学生学习效果的一种手段,同时也是教师总结教学的一次机会.教师要选择有代表性的试卷做样本,逐题统计错误人数,并计算出错误人数与样本人数的比值作为错误率.对错误率高的试题教师在课堂上要重点讲评,及时补救教学中的失误.由于每个学生的基础不同,理解能力不同,出错的原因可能不同.因此,讲评试卷前,通常应留一段时间,先让学生自我反思,找出自己的出错点和困惑点.这样老师讲评时,听课会更有针对性,效果会更好. 3.启发思维,凸显系统性.考试之后,学生急切想知道问题的答案,这时他们的学习动机和求知欲望最为强烈,教师要充分抓住这一大好时机,进行大容量、多角度、深层次的讲评,使同类问题规律化,零散知识系统化,解题思路最优化,思维角度多元化. 讲评试卷最忌讳不分主次,从一而终,从第一题讲到最后一题.讲者茫茫然,听者昏昏然,效果可想而知.因此,试卷讲评课之前,教师首先要认真准备,调整原题的顺序,按一定的规律进行归类.通常数学试卷的分类有两类:一种是按试卷上出现的知识点归类,将考查同一知识点的试题归在一类,结合试题,将该知识点讲透.这种分类方法通常适用于阶段性单元测试.另一种分类方法是按题型分类,即将试题按代数式化简、应用题求解、几何计算、几何作图、几何证明等题型进行分类,这种分类方法通常适用于综合测试,这样便于对同一题型进行总结提高. 当然,对试卷中灵活性和综合性较大的典型试题,教师应进一步借题发挥,促使学生发散思维和创新思维的形成.这就是大家比较熟悉的一题多解、一题多变和多题一解. 此外,讲评试卷后的作业布置也很有讲究.可以是直接订正试卷中的错题,可以出一些试卷中典型试题的变形题,也可以让学生在订正的基础上,结合个人错误写出有针对性的反思.当然,“二次考试”也是提高试题效能的有效方法.这里的二次考试当然不是简单的将原题再考一边,而是把试卷中出现的问题经过加工后,以新的面孔出现,让学生再做一遍.从而加深学生对错误和疑点的再认识. 二.我的作业观 (一)、作业是什么 几乎每个学生上学之后都要做作业,从作业的本身来讲,作业是学生课堂知识的巩固,也是教师了解学生课堂学习,掌握知识情况的手段之一.一个学生从小学一年级开始就要每天完成作业,一直到学业结束。我们没有计算过一个学生一共要花费多少时间完成多少量的作业,我相信这个数字一定大得惊人.学生也没有探求过为什么一定要做作业,只是因为老师布置了作业就一定要完成(这是针对学习比较自觉的学生来说的).比较称职的家长会督促孩子完成作业,他们关心孩子是否完成了作业,成绩是否有提高,很少有家长去探求作业的实际意义.作为教师,上完新课一定要布置作业,第二天必须批改作业.所有的这一切都在年复一年中习惯成自然. 然而,面对作业,我们的教师和学生有着同样的困惑:作业太多,学生忙于应付,教师忙于批改、抓学生订正,好象上课就是为了完成作业和批改作业.为什么我们布置的作业不能吸引学生呢?可能的原因有:作业太多,没有情趣;作业内容中知识巩固题多,应用实践题少;作业现成内容多,教师自编内容少;作业评价单调,缺乏人情味.作业的意义已经不仅仅停留在知识的巩固上,还体现了师生间和谐的氛围,浓浓的感情.“兴趣是最好的老师”,当学生对作业有兴趣了,对老师有感情了,学生一定会更投入地上课,更自觉地完成作业. 记得前几年我接手一个数学基础较差的班级,当时学生的学习习惯尚未养成,作业抄袭、不交现象严重,为了不给学生增加负担,减少他们对学习的抵促心理,实现由“无知”到“有知”的自然过渡.刚开始,我提出了“三可以三必须”的民主要求: 家庭作业可以不做,但必须交; 课堂练习可以不会,但必须想; 数学课本可以不带,但必须听. 事实证明,我的民主要求不仅没有使学生放松自己,而且改变了学生的学习状态,变应付老师为主动学习,班级的学习氛围有了明显好转. 当然,有时也会有这样的疑问:大量的作业要花费学生大量的时间,也要用去老师大量的时间.说实话,虽然我们无法做到有针对的批改作业,但是,我们最起码应做到探求作业的有效性. (二)、怎样的作业才是有效 ?1、转变观念,重新认识“作业” 作业是学生思维与能力的表现,学生完成作业需要动脑、动手,需要回顾课堂所学的知识和技能,还需要自己有所创造.我们必须认识到学生完成作业是有差异的,正如世界上没有两片相同的树叶,我们面对的学生也没有完全相同的心理倾向,更没有相同的智力,他们拥有自己独特的学习风格.其实,教育的起点不在于判断一个人有多聪明,而是在于怎样使之变得聪明,在哪些地方变得聪明.学生作业过程是需要指导的,而教师是作业活动的引导者.教师在整个作业活动中应该处于引导和组织的地位,为作业注入贴近生活、符合学生兴趣和需求的新内容,开拓新的作业练习形式,激发学生的学习热情,提高学生的自主学习能力,引导学生学会练习、学会合作和自主练习.学生的作业需要及时得到肯定的评价.得到肯定是学生重要的心理需要,教师的认同感能成为学生继续努力的动力. 2、精心思考,多方位设计作业 (1)作业设计注重开放性.作业内容要开放,既可以与教材内容相联系,也可以与学生生活相结合,还可以与社会活动接轨,题材广泛,思路要开阔,要让学生有自由驰骋的余地;作业形式要开放,让学生根据自己的爱好、特长和表达的需要选择。完成作业的方法要开放;查阅、访问、调查、实践……可以自己独立完成,也可以几个同学合作完成;检查评估作业的方式要开放,检查型的、展示型的、交流型的、评比型的……应样样俱全,评估的过程也是学生互相启发,互相学习,共同合作,共同提高的过程.学生存在着层次差异,只有开放作业不搞一刀切,才能使各种学生“尽所知”完成作业,“各尽所能”做好作业,才能保证展示在教师眼前的作业内容丰富,形式多样.   (2)作业的设计注重“因材施教”.教给学生一杯水,自己先要有一桶水.每个学生的学习能力不同,对知识的掌握也不同,教师要精心选择布置给学生的作业.做到让学生做的,自己先做一遍,了解和考虑学生可能出现的错误.对于学习能力较弱的学生完成基础题即可,对于能力较强的学生可以布置一些拓展题,激发学生的兴趣. 为提高学生学习的兴趣,增强学生做作业的成就感,我还经常让学生“自编自解”.如自编代数式进行化简求值,自编方程不等式求解,几何中计算题让学生在例题的基础上改个数字重新计算,几何证明让学生调换条件结论与条件再进行证明,虽然只是一些小小的变化,但对于学生来说,也充满了挑战与刺激,从而引起学生的兴趣. 3、增加交流,“面批”提高作业的有效性 以往的教学中,通常老师布置完作业让学生完成后再交给老师,学生作业中的错误发下订正或在班中集体讲解。但是,我们发现有些特别差的学生往往要“来来回回”订正好几遍,下课的时间比较少,差的同学往往其他学科的老师也会找他,造成知识不能及时反馈和掌握。作业面批的方式可以加强师生间的沟通,增进师生间的感情。作业面批可以课间进行,,也可以在课堂上学生进行课堂练习时进行.学生作业中优秀的地方及时给予肯定,不足之处及时订正和反馈.教师可充分利用利用墙壁文化进行优秀作业展等形式,对学生给与肯定. 4.书写评语,增加情感交流. 做作业的过程,不仅是复习知识的过程,同时也是师生交流的园地.教师要充分利用这一园地,发挥作业的教育功能,以缩短师生的心理距离,使学生更好的“亲其师,信其道”.当发现学生作业不工整时,不要简单的让重做了事,这样只能增加学生的受挫心理,会使他更加不喜欢作业.这时,如果老师工整的写上一句“如果你写的慢一点,我想一定会更美观.”这样的效果一定会更好.但发现学生有好的解题方法时,教师可以及时写上“这种解法连老师也没想到,你真聪明!希望下次还能见到你的奇思妙想!”我想,这种鼓励的效果,远胜过单纯的思想教育. 命题,是每位数学教师都必须掌握并提高的基本技能,这是毋庸置疑的.随着规范办学的要求越来越高,教师的上课时间就越来越少,这样就对有效学习提出了很高的要求.而学生数学学习成绩的好坏,只能通过解题的优劣来体现.因此,作为数学老师应自觉主动的研究命题. 常言道:进攻是最好的防守.如果一个老师一辈子都在做别人的题,都在“用题”而不会“命题”,则无异于一个“沙袋”的角色,只能是一个受迫害、被打击的人.当然,你的学生也难逃灾难,只能在题海里无尽的遨游了.不可否认,考试,尤其是选拔性考试,不仅仅是对学生知识掌握情况和学习能力的检测,同时也是对教师教学情况和教学智慧的一种检测.人们常说:教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业.这是从道德的层面上来说的.可从个人成就的角度看,我认为教师同时也是最悲哀的职业.因为,教师的光环是通过学生的成绩来编织的.无论教师的个人业务水平多高,但你的学生水平不高或进步不大,你都不会是一个优秀的老师.因此,从教师和学生成长的角度,教师都应该掌握一些命题技能. 新课程标准明确指出:数学教学应从学生实际出发,创造性地使用教材,积极开发利用各种教育资源,为学生提供丰富多彩的学习素材.从某种程度上说,好的测试训练题,就是一项重要的教育资源.如果没有不断地推陈出新,学生面对的数学题都是一副副老面孔,缺乏生活气息,缺少思维挑战,还何谈快乐成长?何谈创新精神的培养?过去那种一本资料打天下的情况,已经一去不复返了.所以说,教师掌握并不断提高命题技能,既是自我发展的需要,也是时代的需要. 有效教学必须要有有效的作业为基础,因为,今天作业的高质量,必将带来学生学习的高质量,而高质量的学习也也一定会带来教学成绩的优异。愿我们共同努力,在命题和作业的设计中,不断学习,不断创新,不断反思,共同提高. Manufacturing transformation and development planning1 comprehensive strength of the manufacturing industry to upgradeRelying on good traffic conditions and location advantages of the industrial base, the manufacturing industry comprehensive strength steadily, the total size of the total, technical level, economic benefits and so on in the country has become the cornerstone of the precedent, the citys economic and social development and an important support. 12th Five-Year period, the total industrial added value, the average annual growth rate of dada%, the amount of the total amount of investment of the citys industrial enterprises with an average annual growth rate%, above scale industrial enterprises realized a total profit of the average annual growth rate of%.xx years, the citys above scale industrial output mode billion yuan output value of over 80 billion yuan of industrial dada to 8, above scale industrial added value billion yuan, industrial growth. Added value accounted for GDDP%, the resident population per capita GDP reached million, ranked second in XXX Province, the national large and medium-sized cities in the forefront.2 continuous optimization of industrial structureThe benefit oriented, high end orientation and the direction of intensive development, gradually increase efforts to promote the transformation of industrial structure adjustment and optimization of industry has made remarkable achievements. As to XX, machinery, textile, petrochemical, metallurgy and electronics and other 55 pillar industries above scale industrial output value at current prices billion yuan, accounting for the proportion of for the high-tech industry output value accounted for%. The proportion of above scale industrial output value reached%, one percentage point increase over 2010. Sensor network innovation shows the construction of the demonstration zone to promote the smooth, emerging industry gradually expand the scale of production is expected to total output average growth rate, new energy, new materials, energy saving and environmental protection, Internet of things, the rapid development of microelectronics and other emerging industries, has become an important field of XX industrial transformation and upgrading.3 innovation capacity significantly improvedSeize the new round of the wave of technological innovation brings plenty of historical opportunity, in-depth implementation of innovation driven development strategy for the manufacturing industrys innovation and transformation and upgrading provides a strong intellectual support for the.Xx year, R D expenditure accounting for the main business service income ratio reached%, among the provinces first patent. The application amounted to 224197, the right amount of invention patents reached 5480, 000 people obviously patent has reached 25, are located in the forefront of the province of.Xx has a provincial engineering technology research centers heart 506, country, provincial high technology research key laboratory 10, International cooperation base, 9 national, provincial, foreign R D center 41, provincial and international technology transfer center 8, selected research research institutions key enterprises XX 84. Tsinghua University, South, Fudan University, Harbin Institute of technology, Huazhong University of science and technology, Northeastern University and other colleges and universities have been set up in the XXX Research Institute.4 green manufacturing results significantlyXXX water crisis, energy saving and environment protection increasing pressure, vigorously promote the green, low-carbon, circular ring production mode, adhere to energy-saving emission reduction, the implementation of energy control, improve the energy source utilization rate of.Xx years, the city unit of GDP energy consumption decreased 20%, increase the added value of industrial energy consumption per ton standard coal / million. 12th Five-Year period, the cumulative unit of GDPP energy consumption decreased percent, energy consumption consumption value XX lowest decline of XX south, South first. The elimination of backward production capacity can work orderly, shut down 8823 enterprises, 852 enterprises for rectification of family, eliminate backward production capacity of cement 75 million 770 thousand Tons, dyeing 244 million 600 thousand meters, 100 thousand tons of chemical fiber, Leather 3 million standard sheets, paper million tons, 2 million 280 thousand tons of steel, 106 battery Wanqianqian KVA, 200 thousand tons of steel casting, resolve the production capacity of 3 million 370 thousand tons, cement production capacity of 710 thousand tons, completed ahead of schedule into 12th Five-Year planning objectives.5 enterprise vitality is increasingThe emergence of a number of key enterprises in the industry a lot of industries, some have developed into the world class level leading enterprises and leading enterprises. The key point of enterprises in technological innovation, product development, market development, has played an important leading role for.Xx and other aspects of social responsibility, listed 15 companies around the top 500 enterprises Chinese listed 221 companies Chinese manufacturing enterprise 500 strong, all year for nine consecutive years, ranking first in the province. The citys domestic and foreign listed enterprises amounted to 94, ranked in the prefecture level city in the forefront. The integration of military and civilian combined to accelerate, the number of the citys participation in scientific research and production of weapons equipment industry the advantages of private enterprises Year after year, through the confidential qualification certification enterprises ranked 22 in the province.Two 6 integration steadily intoAs a national integration of the two test area, has been to two of the depth of financial integration and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises as an important starting point, to accelerate the transformation of development mode. The information of all business to achieve the citys more than 80% large-scale enterprises, a total of at or above the provincial level demonstration pilot enterprises, 250 enterprises, including 22 national. Fusion demonstration of 4 enterprises, the provincial demonstration integration of the two test, Park 8. Baidu and Alibaba, Pakistan, Chinese manufacturing network, China network library and so on enterprises to carry out in-depth cooperation, support enterprises with the development of electronic commerce, there have been 4 enterprises selected for the national e-commerce service integrated innovation pilot .In a comprehensive summary of the 12th Five-Year achievement at the same time, should also see some problems still exist in the development of XX manufacturing industry, difficulties and contradictions, need to be solved in the Shisansanwu period. The main is: not many major industrial projects, lack of a group with strong power, high output level large projects the industrial economic growth. Lack of weak industrial products to the intermediate product, the added value is not high. The emerging industry is small, difficult to support the citys economic growth. Science and technology innovation ability is not strong, high dependence on foreign technology, high level talent shortage. Excess capacity in some industries, some enterprise production and management difficulties. These difficulties all Urgent need to be addressed in the future development of the exhibition.1 from the global perspective, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and the rise of industrial change, to bring significant strategic opportunities for the transformation of the XXX industryThe development mode of the industry will undergo profound changes. When a new round of technological revolution in the application of the new generation of information technology integration as the core feature, Internet plus has become an important direction of industrial development. The high-end, smart, green, as the service has become a new trend of industrial development; the Internet network to break the constraints of time, the world famous enterprises and enterprises to achieve global collaborative design and production; intelligent manufacturing technology in the design, development, application, manufacturing and other aspects of the daily trend of generalization deepening; based on fusion, and services, new formats and new model into a platform for the new form of industry.The industrial division of labor and competition face remodeling. Europe and other developed countries to implement the re industrialization strategy, trying to consolidate its leading position; emerging economies have focused on the implementation of catch-up strategy, competition to seize the high-end manufacturing areas to accelerate the end of a space for one person. To developed countries reverse transfer, emerging countries rely on information the comparative advantage of labor resources, to attract international investment led shunt. Significant changes in Global trade investment system, the United States actively promote the TPP and TTIIP as the core of the trade and investment heavy order reconstruction, the future of Chinas foreign trade and absorbing the international direct investment is facing greater pressure.At present, the development of the XX industry development level in the nation, with the foundation and conditions follow a new round of revolution of science and technology revolution and industry industry, to seize the great opportunities in grasping the concept of development, innovation, production mode and format to change the strain, the first action, to create new competitive advantages of industry competition. At the same time. Despite the change of international trade and investment will lead to industrial growth slowed to put XXX of export-oriented industries, jobs and social challenges, increase the risk of wind, but also bring down forced backward industries and low added value of industry chain, promote industrial restructuring and upgrading opportunities.2 from across the country, Chinas economic development has entered a new normal norm, put forward urgent requirements of development quality and efficiency of quality industry in XX CityThe industrial economy is facing multiple conversion speed, structure and power. Chinas economic development has entered a new norm, is to form a higher division of advanced, more complex, more reasonable structure can decrease the growth rate of stage evolution. It may lead some challenges to Theres no telling war, a variety of factors, constraints tightening, road development the traditional expansion gets narrower. Must take the innovation as the new engine driven by economic development, speeding up the drive to convert from elements of the scale of investment driven development to the development of innovation driven development based principal.The supply and demand of the market environment has changed greatly. Different from the demand side, the grade and residents demand structure has undergone significant changes, the basic medium has been close to the level of developed countries, the individuality has become the competitiveness of products to reflect the heavy, large quantity of products demand is gradually being customized by small batch of personality replace. See from the aspect of supply, supply of existing products can not meet the rapid escalation of market demand, the lack of effective supply, supply mode and become the deep level reason of industrial economic downturn. Through product innovation arousing potential consumer market, stimulate investment demand, increase effective supply, has It has become an important direction to boost Chinas industrial economy.Industrial transformation and upgrading by elements to resource constraints more urgent. I Chinas per capita fresh water, arable land, forest resources is only the world average level of 28%, 40%, 25%%, oil, iron ore, copper and other important mineral resources per capita reserves respectively for the world average level%. 117%, 17%, the traditional industry has been difficult to support resources and high energy consumption. The long-term accumulation of environmental conflicts are concentrated, serious pollution of the atmosphere pollution has become a national environmental and social problems, water pollution, soil pollution is more prominent, increasingly, the industry restructuring and development to put forward urgent Pray.To deepen the reform, formation and development of new power will be the 13th Five-Year industrial development in China. The theme of the next five years, XX industry development must establish the new ideas of thinking, to adapt to and guide the new norm as macro logic of industrial development, breaking the current resource bottleneck was completed, speed, actively and steadily. The structural change, multiple motive etc... to make good use of the big deployment of national level of the market and institutional environment of product of positive influence, seize the opportunity to expand the space of domestic development, focus on structural optimization, attention to enhance the quality, focus on environmental improvement, fully activate the development of energy industry xx, Provide continuous power for industrial upgrading.3 from the city to see, XX course of economic development, natural endowment and location, determine the XX must take industrial strong city roadRaise the level of independent innovation opportunities of the industrial structure of.Xxx is two, three, and a heavy chemical characteristics of industrial scale manufacturing characteristic is apparent, especially in the equipment manufacturing sector, in the province and even the whole country has comparative advantage. To firmly firmly grasp the national independent innovation demonstration in South XX area XX sensor network innovation demonstration zone construction in a major strategic opportunity, perfect the system of innovation incentive mechanism, increasing the field of manufacturing and innovation investment, enhance the innovation output, stimulated to stimulate innovation and vitality, enhance innovation and lead development ability.The critical period of building a modern industry to develop new heights. From now until 2020, XXX should strive to build a new Qiang Fu makall XX, a high level of comprehensive well-off well-off society. The manufacturing industry is still an important force to promote sustained and healthy economic and social development xxx not indispensable, is to promote the XX economy jumped to a higher level basic support. To accelerate industrial restructuring and upgrading, stronger advanced manufacturing industry, fostering the growth of strategic emerging industries, accelerate the development of modern service industry, push to promote the establishment of innovation ability, quality benefit, structure reasonable layout, sustainable development and international competitive production A new system of industry, revitalize the vibration XX industry glory on the new starting point.Full integration into the national strategy of regional development gold period.Xx geographical advantages are obvious, and the historical and cultural heritage, has strong strong industrial strength and potential development of..xx should be fully docking The Belt and Road Road, the Yangtze River economic belt, the Yangtze River Delta region a major strategic integration area, strengthen the strong docking with Shanghai, enhance with XXX, XX and even the entire north Yangtze River Basin industrial collaboration, open economy, to a higher level of development, and actively promote international industrial cooperation, the formation of a higher level and wider domain opening pattern.The next five years, XX must be the quasi future trend direction, continue to play in the field of manufacturing characteristics and advantages, will revive the industry itself as XX wind is the center of economic development as task, promote the industrial structure from low-end to high-end forward end, to create new heights of development of modern industry.Comprehensive implementation of the partys eighteen and eighteen session of the 33, fourth, Fifth Plenary Session spirit, foster innovation, harmony, green, open, sharing development idea, firm not to shift industries of City Road, take the initiative to melt into the global industrial division system, comprehensive implementation of the made in China and 2025 XX the platform for action, to the depth of information technology and industrialization integration as the main line, in order to improve the quality and efficiency of economic development benefits as the center, and actively develop new industries, new technologies, new formats and new models, and vigorously promote industrial intelligent, green color, services, high-end development, and to build in emerging industries for the pilot to guide. As the main body of modern manufacturing, modern service industry as the support of the new modern industrial system, the XX to create a domestic first-class, internationally influential manufacturing city, revitalize the vibration XX industry glory in the new starting point for the construction of the economy is strong, rich people, beautiful environment, social civilization degree is high the new XX solid solid strong industrial base.Accelerate the innovation development, the implementation of talent drive. Firmly adhere to the development on the basis of innovation, and vigorously promote the comprehensive innovation in science and technology innovation as the core of the nucleus, since the focus on enhancing the capability of independent innovation, get rid of institutional system obstacles, to maximize the liberation and shock to stimulate innovation and vitality, accelerate the formation of innovation as the main leading and support the economic system and mode of development. Strengthening of talent is the first resource the idea, focus on the development of needs and direction of innovation, efforts to consolidate the foundation of science and education, optimize the talent environment, to create a high level of innovation of new talents for sustained economic and social healthy development continued to provide strong support.Play to the market mechanism, the transformation of government function. Focus on the decisive role of the market in resource allocation and better play the role of government, strengthen the supply of supply side reform, improve the quality and efficiency of the supply system, co-ordinate the use of economic, legal, policy and means, strengthen the guide and regulate the industry, promote the optimization the upgrading of the industrial structure industry. The implementation of negative list management clear, to further eliminate the obstacles of scientific development system, continuous development and promotion to stimulate the vitality of market players.Grasp the direction of development, firmly adhere to guidance. Based on the basis of the existing industry system and development, accurately grasp the main direction of holding a new round of technological revolution and the industrial revolution leather, strengthen strategic planning and forward-looking deployment, increase investment in innovation, enhance innovation output, stimulate a new vitality, stronger in advanced manufacturing industry, fostering the growth of strategic emerging industries, accelerate the development of producer servi
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