【内容摘要】学前教育作为我国基础教育的有机组成部分,是全面提高我国人口素质的关键环节之一,而幼儿教师做为幼儿园的主体,是有目的、有计划促进幼儿全面发展教育的实施者,对于幼儿园保教质量的提高起着决定性的作用。做为管理者,要想建立一支高素质的教师队伍,就应抓住人和人的积极性这个核心。而需要正是人的积极性的原动力,因此本文分析指出了幼儿教师的需要主要有:归属和爱的需要、尊重的需要、创造的需要、求知的需要、成就的需要等。通过分析幼儿教师的心理需要,提出了相应的管理策略:优化幼儿园的人际环境;尊重个体,团结合作;用“成就”来调节、指导教师的行为;实施“培训”工程等。 【关键词】幼儿教师 需要 管理策略
需要是生理的和社会的要求在人脑中的反映,是指人对某种目标的渴求或欲望。需要一旦被意识到就以行动的动机形式表现出来,被意识的需要就会作为动机来支配人的行动。因此说,需要是激发积极性的原动力或动机。马克思和恩格斯曾指出:“人们通过每一个人追求他自己的、自觉期望的目的而创造自己的历史” [1],正是人们永不满足的需要,推动着社会的发展和历史的进步。 幼儿教师的劳动是以自己的德、识、才、学作用于幼儿,引起幼儿的积极反应,导致幼儿健康成长的过程。这是一种特殊的劳动。同时幼儿园还有别于小学等其他教育机构,它是以保教工作为中心,寓教育于幼儿的一日生活之中。幼儿园的特殊工作性质,也决定了幼儿教师“老师和妈妈”的双重角色。正是由于幼儿教师劳动的特殊性,决定了幼儿教师的特殊需要。
(一)归属和爱的需要 归属的需要就是参加和依附于一定的组织等的需要。爱的需要包括给予爱和接受爱,因此实质上也是一种归属需要。 我国现行的绝大多数幼儿园仍为女性一同天下的格局,女性独特的身心素质决定了幼儿教师具有情感细腻、敏感、情感需要特别强烈的特点。她们特别希望体验到集体的温暖,感受到他人的关爱,获得大家的认可。而且,教师之间的团结协作、友好相处、形成和谐的人际关系,可为幼儿的成长创造良好的精神环境。 幼儿教师面对身心发展稚弱缺乏独立行为能力的幼儿,不仅要教育他们,还要给予细致的养护和照顾。这要求教师首先要做到爱孩子,爱是相互的,教师爱的付出也会得到幼儿爱的回报。这样教师与幼儿之间建立起良好的人际关系,有助于开发幼儿智力,更有助于教师与幼儿的身心健康。
(二)尊重的需要 教师在孩子的心目中似乎是智慧的化身,行为的楷模,他们自觉不自觉的把教师自己效仿的对象。黑格尔曾说过“教师是孩子们心灵中最完美的偶像”[2],对于身体和心理仍不成熟正处于迅速发展过程中幼儿来说,这一特点更为显著。教育工作是双向活动,幼儿来园后和教师朝夕相处,教师一言一行时时刻刻都在影响着幼儿。这种影响在塑造幼儿灵魂中是其他方面的影响难以比拟的,是任何其他教育手段所无法代替的。它不仅对幼儿起着耳濡目染、潜移默化的作用,而且直接证明着教师言教的真实性和可能性,这是一种无声胜有声的教育,所以教师都很重视自我修养,规范自己的言行,严格要求自己。她们有着强烈的自尊需要和受人尊重的需要。社会对教师的尊重,会使教师体会到生活的价值,增强自信心,从而直接影响着教师的教育效果。
(三)创造的需要 幼儿园的保教工作形式不限于单一的教学活动,幼儿园教育活动涉及幼儿生活、游戏、观察、教学、劳动等等多种形式,非正规教育的比重更大。大量的教育是在一日生活和游戏中进行的。因此,幼儿教育工作难度更大,更富于挑战性、创造性。教育过程中,教师需针对幼儿身心发展特点,更多结合幼儿的生活经验组织教育活动。教师还要注意在一日教养活动中,创造性的处理各种问题,随时抓住教育契机,因势利导把教育工作的计划性与灵活性很好的结合起来。 幼儿教师必须充分发挥自身积极能动性,不断探索教育活动的组织方法的运用,活动内容材料的选择,教育环境的创设等,结合实践,科学育儿,逐步提高保教质量,在此过程中,还要不断探索和创造适合本地实际和本人教育风格与特色,使幼儿教育不仅是一门科学,更是一门艺术,实现教无定法,是为至法的境地。
(四)求知的需要 教师扮演着人类文化传播者的角色,为此教师必须具有丰富的文化科学知识。我们常说:“老师有一桶水,才能给孩子一碗水”。因此,教师要象海绵吸水一样不断的从人类文化宝库中吸取营养。 树木只有根深,方能叶茂,以至开花结果;一个国家教育发展之本,只有以早期教育为根奠定健康起点之后,逐步向上成长,才能培养出全面和谐发展的新世纪人才。由此可见幼儿教师肩上担负的重任。幼儿教师要想出色的完成任务,必须不断的丰富自己的知识,武装自己的头脑,随着社会的发展,信息量的大大增加,新理论新知识的不断涌现,教师为了能更好培养幼儿,必须不断的学习。同时为了进一步发展幼儿的兴趣和探索精神,恰当解答他们的疑问,教师也必须不断的提高自己的知识水平。
(五)成就需要 随着近年改革开放的进一步深化,人们的“成就需要”显得异常突出,处于知识分子阶层的教师群体,着重成就、看重精神鼓励的心理倾向则更为明显。她们大多有比较强烈的进取心、好胜心。尤其作为新一代的知识女性,她们更有“巾帼不让须眉”的风范。她们希望能够充分发挥自己的才能,在工作上能有所成就,形成自己的特色,也希望得到别人——同事、幼儿园、社会客观、公正的评价。在他人赞许、钦佩的目光中体会到被人理解、为人尊重的愉悦。
(一)优化幼儿园人际环境 良好而稳定的人际关系,有助于团体的形成。一个有高凝聚力的团体对其每一个成员都有吸引力,其成员会表现出较强的战斗力。 优化幼儿园的人际环境,管理者要注重运用情感的管理手段。情感是人进行活动的心理动力源泉。人们在生活中之所以趋善避恶、近美离丑等,都是情感在起作用,人际交往也如此。一般来讲,彼此相悦能增进人际吸引力。要想建立良好的人际关系,必须以情感为媒体。因此,管理者在管理过程应善用情感艺术,以此促进人与人之间的和睦相处。做到与每位教师坦诚相见,平等对待,做教师的知心朋友。清楚地了解每位教师的心理需要,真心实意地去尊重每位教师,用情感手段激励他们热爱事业和幼儿;用情感的力量温暖人心,体贴、关心、帮助教师解决生活中的困难;用诚挚的语言给予教学上的指导;用商量的口吻安排工作;做到以情动人,以爱换心。比如,园所可为教师举办生日聚会,加强大家的情感沟通,让教师把幼儿园当成一个大家庭。此外,还可通过免费为教职工提供早餐、工作餐等举措,使幼儿园中的每个成员“被爱”、“被关怀”的需要得到满足,使教师体验到集体的温暖,感受到他人的关爱。同时,管理者还要注意团结与自己意见相左的教师,要有容人之短的雅量,更要避免因亲你而疏他而人为造成矛盾削弱了集体的战斗力。孟子曾说:“爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。[4]”园长的情感投资是维系与教职工和蔼关系的粘合剂。 其次,优化幼儿园的人际环境,管理者还应注重创设宽松的精神心理气氛,建立和疏通信息沟通渠道。管理者要能用人所长委职放权,相信教师能够负起责任,采取他认为应当采取的措施干好工作,完成任务。如果处处监督提防,不敢放手,大事小事必须由领导“拍板”则不利于激发积极性,容易造成压抑紧张的氛围。此外,管理者与教师都能充分做到相互沟通,相互了解,让每个教师都能充分表现自己,能有机会表达自己对园所的意见和建议,建立起“人和”、民主的氛围。否则,联系渠道不畅,就容易产生误会和矛盾,就更谈不上“人和”。 (二)尊重集体,团结合作。 在一个集体中,个人的智慧和团队的合作是缺一不可的。怎样能促使每个人充分发挥自己的智慧才能,又能达到团队的和谐统一呢?笔者认为,管理者首先要做到尊重个体。地位和人格得到尊重是教师尊重需要的集中体现。一是尊重教师的人格,尤其是保持教师在幼儿面前的尊严。在大问题上,管理者一般不会忽视,但小的方面,往往会忽视。比如在处理教师与家长的冲突时,多数园领导采取先让教师向家长道歉,然后再弄清问题实质,这使教师处于低家长一等的地位上,极大地打击教师积极性,无形中降低了教师在家长眼中的地位。应该让教师与家长处在平等的位置上来处理问题,对于无理取闹的家长,决不纵容姑息,以保证教师的人格地位。二是让教师参与幼儿园的管理,这是尊重教师地位的表现。可以在制定重大决策之前,采取各种方式组织成员主动提出各种建议,如开展“假如我是园长”、 “如何树立我园形象”等活动,让教师为园所建设和管理出谋划策,使她们感到自己是幼儿园的主人。此外还要尊重教师的劳动。如听完课后,先说几句关心鼓励的话,再指出不足,要比直接说“你这样不行”效果好得多。作为领导者只有尊重员工,坦诚对待每位员工,才能使她们将更多的时间精力投入到工作中。 其次,在尊重个体的同时,更为强调合作,没有合作的工作是无法产生真正效应的。在这方面管理者首先要健全园所各项规章制度,让大家形成强烈法规意识,自觉按章办事,尽量减少不必要的摩擦和不协调。但人不是机械的,难免在工作中出现各种问题,这要求管理者要做好深入细致的思想工作,通过谈心、座谈等增进大家的了解、沟通,使大家达成一个共识,全园团结一致,共同努力就能达到实现园所目标的目的。
(三)用“成就”来调节、指导教师行为。 教师工作的主动性和责任感决定幼儿园工作的成败。管理只有以广大教师为主体,发挥民主管理,尽可能地激发并满足教师的成就欲望,才能使个体目标与整体目标真正地有机结合,变被动管理为主动管理,提高管理成效。 (1)引导教师树立正确成就动机。 目前幼儿教育普遍存在成就感较弱的心理。一项调查显示:52.5%的教师认为自己任教以来没有取得“什么成就”,在认为自己取得“较大成就”的 46.25%的教师中有43.75%教师仍对自己的成就“较为不满”[5]。这种对自己成就普遍不满意感,往往会引发沮丧、紧张等消极情绪,不利于园所工作的开展。其实每个人都有不同的创造优势,如有的教师善长某一科教学,有的心灵手巧,环境创造总别具匠心等。一个人只有在自己的创造优势发挥中才能充分显示其才智,实现其应有的价值。因此,管理者要根据每位教师的的不同能力、性格、经验等,帮助她们正确分析各种因素,因势利导,使她们的“成就需要”既符合时代要求,又符合个人的实际情况。做到目标高低适中,易于实现,以使教师产生成功感,增强自信心。 (2)创设成就舞台,鼓励创新成才 在日常的工作中,管理者要正确对待各位成员,特别是青年教师的业务爱好,注意她们的自信心、自觉性等个性品质以及竞争、创新意识、不断进取精神的培养。可组织教师参加各级各类的优质课、教学论文的评选活动,有计划的安排各种规模的公开课、比武活动,进行自我激励。千方百计的为青年教师架设舞台,扶她们上台、入室,促使他们不断成熟,尽早脱颖而出、满足其创造、成就的需要。对有较高成就需要的教师,可根据她们的意向安排到有一定挑战性、开拓性的岗位上,让她们在改革实践中能较好的发挥自己的聪明才智,实现其创造、成就的欲望。
(3)树立典型,表彰先进,强化全员成就意识 管理者要充分发掘、积极宣传具有高成就动机,数十年如一日,忘我工作,奋力拚搏者的形象,使她们的高尚品质、奉献精神,为广大教师所认识、所重视、所羡慕。同时加强培养,以点带面,以一促十,以此强化群体的成就意识。鼓励教师积极承担科研课题,争当教坛新秀,争做优秀教师,早日走上成功之路。凡获各级教学能手、优秀教师等称号的的教师,园领导应不失时机的请她们为园内外教师推出观摩活动,提高她们的知名度,并多鼓励她们承担国家、省级科研课题,为其进一步施展才华创设良好条件。同时要使工作勤勉、成绩显著的教师,从人们赞许、钦佩的目光中体会到被人理解、为人尊重的愉悦,进一步意识到自身的社会责任和社会价值。此外,园领导还应注意,物质奖励和精神鼓励的结合,可设立奖励制度,坚持按劳分配、多劳多得、优质优酬的原则,最大限度的调动教师的工作积极性。
(四)实施“培训”工程 拥有一支高素质的教师队伍,是园所生存发展的关键,而开展继续教育是提高教师素质的重要手段。为此,园领导应从时间和物质两方面为教师学习提供保证,做好培训教育与教师自我学习相结合。 (1)鼓励教师参加学历进修:园领导可对教师的学历达标提出要求,鼓励教师参加学历进修,尽量对参加学习的教师少压重担,平时参加学习辅导可不算请假,给予一定时间的灵活性。另外还可采取激励措施,让教师努力提高学历水平。 (2)加强教育培训:对于新来园的年轻教师可进行上岗培训,对中青年教师可定期的进行岗位技能培训。同时,还可采取“走出去、请进来”的办法,委派教师外出参加一些学习班,听专家讲座。并请学习回来的教师认真传达,也可请专家来园讲课,指导教科研工作。 (3)在国内为教师营造学习的机会:幼儿园要定购幼教方面的的理论书籍,供教师自由阅读,对比较好的书籍,还可以幼儿园的名义赠送给教师。如:《育人三部曲》、《幼儿教师知识手册》、《素质教育在美国》等。 总之,管理的关键就在于能否有效的调动起教职工的积极性。笔者认为,从了解和分析教师的积极性的原
入手,通过 “优化幼儿园人际环境、实施培训工程…”等有效的管理手段,满足其合理要求,唤起每位教师的内驱力,激励教师潜质、潜能的发挥是一条有效的管理思路。正如一位管理专家所说:“一位清洁工的热情,比任何异想天开的管理办法都重要的多”。[6]
【注释】 [1]叶奕乾主编,心理学,中央广播大学出版社,1998年版,第253页 [2]刘云艳著,挖掘 幼儿园管理中的美,优化管理过程,幼儿教育。2002年第7期,第41页 [3]张燕主编,幼儿园管理,北京师范大学出版社,1997年版,第214页 [4]潘爱萍、卞宪芳,对园长管理艺术的理论思考,学前教育研究,1999年第1期 [5]李生兰,幼儿教师工作压力的调查研究,山东教育,2002年第6期,第11页 [6]张燕,幼儿园管理,北京师范大学出版社,1997年版,第218页
【主要参考文献】 (1)张燕主编,幼儿园管理,北京大学出版社,1997年版 (2)学校管理心理学编写组,学校管理心理学,山东教育出版社,1997年1月 (3)叶奕乾编,心理学,中央广播电视大学出版社,1998年 (4)蒋超文、刘树谦主编,教师的人际关系,广东教师出版社,1993年 (5)赵慧军编,现代管理心理学,首都经济贸易大学出版社,2001年 (6)陶可涛、刘建平著,管理心理学,中国商业出版社,2000年
County economic work conference leadership speech:The main task of the twenty-six session of the six plenary meeting of the county the county economic work conference this time, by the partys eighteen and eighteen Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, carry out and implement the central and provincial economic work conference on rural work conference and the three session of the seven plenary session of the party to expand the spirit of the meeting, the total summary of last year the work, analysis of the current situation, the deployment of this work, further strengthening the development of consensus, to mobilize the whole county county, deepening reform and innovation, to work against poverty, accelerate the transformation of leapfrog, promote scientific development, struggling to write a new harmonious beautiful mountains and show a prosperous civilization to build a new building. The following chapter * *, according to the county Discussion of the views of the Standing Committee, I focus on four aspects of the problem:* * * years, the county to seriously implement the central decision-making arrangements and real, in accordance with the high position, as a typical tree, catch catch up with speed for a breakthrough, five in one overall grasp to raise human resources to promote overall leap, firmly grasp for the project, investment, industry, structural adjustment, Emegumi Mio, promote harmony, agency the county economy presents the social development to catch up, are balanced development, promote the overall, a good momentum of sustained rise.According to Article 11 priority, economic construction full speed. Focusing on the development of this priority service, set up the market idea is constantly refined, can the implementation of major projects, efforts to expand the investment, vigorously develop the non-public economy, to ensure the continuous healthy and rapid development of the county economy, investment in fixed assets investment, industrial added value. Fiscal income, per capita net income of farmers and other major economic indicators maintained two digit growth. According to the 3341 project engineering, proved reserves pre project 4744, * * 4, for central heating in the west, the South Cave Temple landscape Avenue, oil oil road lifting column ten key counties Project smoothly, investment projects to promote the transformation of the pull, supporting further highlights the role; to promote in Honghe oilfield Mton construction, careful implementation of natural fiber cotton industry a reconstruction and expansion of the two phase, Huarun home ceramics, ceramics, Zhengda feed class three, class 44 full load keep the production, operation and sales booming, the cotton industry has become the city after the coal transport and one employment value-added industry; Xiping railway through infiltration through operations, Jing Road opened to traffic vehicles, further highlights the * * traffic hub; Longyuan red fruit trade company successfully introduced, for the first time now * * fruit Direct export; is a production company 300 thousand tons of feed production line, Yurun Group * * broiler breeding district built colonization production, forming a company + farmers model of development, in promoting the transition to farming aquaculture has taken a solid pace; vegetable industry focus management promotion and marketing docking. Rui Jing River area, vegetable mould scale continues to expand, Wang Rui Feng, and other heavy key towns village village layout, sudden breakthrough strong momentum; Yudu Kang family, Wang twenty shop center village construction into the industry, ecological, cultural, tourism and other factors, the tour group construction community management, Set a benchmark for the new rural construction, the construction of new rural county in the two end of the pilot beam to keep the innovation and enhance the momentum.To accelerate the reform and innovation, political construction steadily. The reform and innovation as the core of the heart, coagulation unite together in political construction, to create a good environment for the countys development. Constantly improve the working mechanism, support peoples congresses, governments, CPPCC Standing Committee work, to further improve and perfect the sub division of responsibility, the full implementation of the county led the pack leader catch the township, contact departments, corporate responsibility system; established a comprehensive assessment of the five one approach, the implementation of Rural Township, Department of secretary of the party organization work the honesty and democratic appraisal system, encourage encourage creative work for the Department of Township, village cadres, and constantly improve the performance assessing and Industry Development Linked incentive mechanism, the formation of winds are strong enough, good momentum and seek common development; communication mechanism and establishment of provinces and cities, double units, actively seek the support of docking project, the implementation of funds, with the country, the province, has injected new impetus to realize synchronous well-off. To strengthen the grassroots base,, take the two push an election and direct push elections , complete the general village two committees , earnestly carry out the development of village level financial clean-up, to fully implement the party, government and village affairs, expand the peoples right to know, participation and supervision rights; in-depth implementation of the four on two open the work of law, and constantly improve the base By election procedure, public consultation and accountability mechanism, promote the masses in industry development, community governance, realize self management, public affairs and public welfare undertakings in the development of self service. To promote the reform of key areas of heavy water, and comprehensively promote the city comprehensive law enforcement, business, food and drug supervision system reform, reasonable the adjustment of discipline discipline inspection and supervision, procuratorate organs, quality inspection departments, strengthen the integration of industry and commerce, service functions, improve administrative efficiency; further promote reform into the right system of rural financial reform and development of collective forest, rural development and further enhance the vitality.Focus on financial integration and development of cultural construction, accelerate the pace of fast. Seize the provinces heritage of Chinese civilization, Chuang Chuang District building, Dayun Temple unearthed cultural relics and Buddhist relics Millennium such as opportunity, efforts to promote cultural tourism integration development. Efforts to enhance the level of planning, and employ high quality planning and design units, the county cultural tourism development planning and the overall planning of the cloud temple, reported the provincial culture to enhance the coordination of regulation to promote the leading group approved in the province, the city within the province, forming a west of Dunhuang, East * * consensus, for my county with rich historical and cultural resources to promote the economic structure turn around, The development of the way to find a starting point. And constantly improve the implementation of the system of scenic spots, water conservation and construction of Tian exhibition hall construction, built the South Cave Temple before a square and landscape Avenue, meticulously made jade Kang Jia Wang Cun, twenty shop ecological tourism demonstration village, Wu Huan Martyrs Memorial Hall preparatory work disabilities progress smoothly and, to further improve the system of tourism attractions. Strengthen the protection of cultural relics, the temple unearthed cultural relics protection such as the focus, to carry out a full survey of cultural relics, registration, maintenance and other work, find out the county cultural relics protection and the status quo. Continue to strengthen publicity and promotion, in order to Buddha seselj Millennium now As an opportunity to successfully held the inauguration cum Dayun Temple Buddha relic Lian in deep mining method; mother of Queen Mother of the west culture, held the fifth cross strait Coast West Queen female culture seminar by Chinese intangible cultural heritage center initiative, the West Queens birthday was established as the Chinese mothers day, I determine the county as the international mother queen mother of the west culture the research base in Beijing; the success of the Gansu Buddhist Culture Research Seminar * *, established Chinese and international Fobao Holy Buddha relic research center position, CCTV and Macao and so on a number of media for the depth, resulting in extensive influence at home and abroad, visibility and influence * * * culture brand The sound is further improved.Efforts to improve the peoples livelihood and social construction fruitful. Adhere to the people-oriented, pay more attention to social construction, efforts to improve the peoples livelihood security barrier level. Careful measures do Huimin practical, double, agricultural loans, and poverty alleviation development province in the practical handling of solid and effective, especially Jing Hebei road construction, the implementation of the county the 521 thread road reconstruction project, to solve the problems of the masses along the way group years of difficulties and problems, to speed up the development of the country along along conditions. Promote the overall development of social undertakings, adhere to the priority of education development, construction completion of recruit students * * 4, 13 kindergartens expansion and expansion is completed and put into use, 45 schools of food Hall fully completed, a substantial increase in the number of on-line books over the entrance general; all the full implementation of the rural health service ten full coverage, the county food and drug supervision system for continuous improvement; regarded attaches great importance to the work of family planning, the national population and family planning interests to guide policy system construction demonstration county through the provincial inspection;; multi expansion the coverage of social security, technology, radio and television undertakings developed. Continue to deepen the double action, in accordance with the village is linked industry, household income is linked to help ideas, deepening the not rich first help, together with the well-off society theme of practical activities, to build a market wide wide Base platform, connection with the farmers, new farmers professional cooperative economic organization with 121, capital cooperatives 10, first rich guide staff and poverty benefit object to establish the node mechanism, for rich people to fulfill their social responsibilities, to realize their own value to build a platform for poor farmers to get rich extension expand the ways find the starting point, for all levels of cadres to carry out work. To strengthen social governance, to construct the scientific governance pattern of society as the direction, to the township level and village level social service community management as the focus, product actively adapt to the economic structure, organizational form, the trend of diversified values Tie, and carry out the management of rural three movement, five independent, three cooperation for action and a study of three visits three the main theme of practical activities, promoting social comprehensive governance, in-depth investigation and handling of the spear of contradictions and disputes, to crack down on illegal crime, the social stability and development to optimize the environment.Adhere to the comprehensive combination of governance, improve the level of ecological civilization. Ecological construction mode of innovation, to continue to expand the ecological effect, and strive to build the ecological brand, the construction of ecological civilization step pace significantly accelerated. Forestry development efforts of the increase, to control the key areas of green and heavy key River Basin as the focus, carefully implement the whole basin destroy, surface mountain ecological restoration, forest road facilities and villages Tuen green, complete ecological afforestation, mu, ecological barrier function is growing. The environment restoration by Ti Tianjian to accelerate the pace of construction, small watershed management, the governance and the construction of high standard basic farmland for heavy emphasis, additional land acres, national water Soil conservation ecological civilization County created by the provincial approval; in energy development and pollution of heavy industrial enterprises focus on emission reduction as the focus, pay close attention to the implementation of environmental protection measures, environmental quality improved significantly. The effectiveness of county county village of environmental governance, vigorously implement the five force change three construction and reconstruction to carry out comprehensive renovation, village environment comprehensive improvement of the rural environment, dirty, chaotic, and poor problem in some key areas to be solved.Outstanding pioneer leader, continue to strengthen party building. The main building and development of the theme on the buckle, positive innovation carrier, and strive to build the brand, and the scientific level of Party Construction in a step by step improvement. To strengthen ideological and political construction, organization of Party members and cadres to seriously study and implement the partys general secretary of the Third Plenary Session of the eighteen and Xi Jinping series of important speech, enhance ideological and political quality of cadres and Party members at all levels of ability to lead the development of; extensive China country dream publicity and education, and actively promote the harmony, Ten Star filial piety of mass spiritual civilization creation and evaluation, public citizen morals and socialist core The construction of value system. The whole heart constantly strengthen comprehensively strengthen the building of grassroots organizations, to force five hundred points building integrated joint demonstration project, carefully build the Jing water pioneer brand building, earnestly carry out the exhibition home hand in hand to build well-off dream theme activities, and constantly improve the working mechanism of township town Party committee the base, the grass-roots party construction work was significantly improved;; set up in Germany for the first to have both ability and political integrity, and attention to conduct, advocate hard work, outstanding performance, recognized by the masses selection guide, on the part of the Township Town, the Department team has been adjusted, so that a number of pragmatic style, outstanding performance. The masses of the public That cadres be reused;; the full implementation of village cadres remuneration growth mechanism, hiring 150 student village cadres, selected 54 outstanding young cadres to serve the village, 15 outstanding college-graduate village official in Shandong Weifang square, study tours, stimulate the work of cadres working force. Continuing to strengthen cadre style construction, the full implementation of the central eight regulations and the relevant provisions of province, city to beg, carry out the effectiveness storm actions, streamline meeting documents, reduce public official reception, strictly control three funds charges, and resolutely put an end to waste waste, actively carry out the clean room, clean car and normative appraisal standards commend Other special activities, work style continued to improve. Must strengthen clean government, strict accountability, honest government, political party cadres standards, leading leading cadres a pair of responsibility and the political conversation system, education, system, supervision and punishment as the main content of the punishment and prevention system to establish an effective, long-term mechanism of anti-corruption corruption tends to improve, to accelerate the development of the creation of a good environment.The scientific study situation, is the premise and basis of doing all the work. The thorough analysis of the situation, we feel deeply felt, at present, my county is in advance in the crucial period of reform, the transition across the reversal period, the critical period of accelerated development period, even in the golden period of economic development period, superposition the policy of opportunity, the release period after hair advantage, pressure and hope coexist, opportunities and challenges coexist. Can seize the opportunity, meet the challenge, while avoiding disadvantages, to smooth profits, to complete our duties, given the history, is a major issue to be in-depth thinking of the entire County. We should not only in Gu Qing review summary Wake up the understanding of their own difficulties and problems in the development existence, and clarify the opportunities and challenges in the macro situation, but also in the future in the development of law and to grasp and accurately judge the characteristics of order stage, actively adapt to the change trend, firmly establish the feel, hardship, seize the opportunity to tackle, firm speed up the development of faith, struggling to write beautiful beautiful chapter. The spectrum of a prosperous civilization and harmonious construction of the new policeHow to recognize the hardship, is to ask questions, identify the crux of the self pressure. The ancients said: calamity, died of happiness. Facing the new situation of development, we should not only summarize the experience and results, more important is to find out the questions, recognize the gap. For many years, through the tireless efforts of the whole county my county, the economic and social development has made remarkable achievements, but in accordance with the requirements of the new situation and measure, the total economic output is small, the development, open development level is low, the crux of the problem, some of the problems restricting the development has not been fundamentally solved. One is the depth of the development of industrial agriculture is insufficient. Pass. Through exploration and practice, the team and the county cadres and the masses, and the three leading industry begun to regulate livestock scale, benefit initially apparent. But universally exist imperfect market mechanism problem, is still in the standardization of production, market operation, the initial industrialization stage. The fruit industry to expand the amount of quality and efficiency brand is facing many challenges, because in the affected area of cultivated land constraints, the scale of the surface does not have the advantage, we must strengthen management, improve the efficiency of the efforts in depth development, cultivating cluster composition articles, or in a passive situation in the region will be competitive. The animal husbandry industry still to support the project, large pile planting, Small cell model, the total size of small, large fluctuations in the market, the overall efficiency is not high. The government funded the construction of vegetable industry shed, not fully play the role of the masses of the main problems are still very prominent, narrow coverage, low, benefit. By the industry, due to location, influence, historical factors. The industrial economy is small, benefit benefit low, investment and industrial economy main index only rely on the Red River oilfield, natural fiber cotton industry and other enterprises, industrial short board, short legs in the short term is difficult to be solved. It is the third industry, since ancient times is that the west is * * the gateway to Changan City, known as a drought in Eastern Gansu Wharf reputation, section third has the advantage of industry development potential. In recent years, richly endowed by nature of development practice, although Pingding Xiping railway, high-speed, west east gas pipeline and other projects have been completed, but only just play channel role, role of logistics industry development of the * * * pull action is not obvious, not due to the birth of the logistics industry system, but not very good will * * regional advantages into economic advantage. The two is the construction of urbanization is a heavy task. The county is an important joint to promote the development of county urban-rural integration and leading. In recent years, our development in the county has done a lot of work, but because of by soilfor the national strategy of developing the West, Yibin city as Yangtze towns and Southern towns, have become areas of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces central city location advantages, will take Chengdu, Chengdu, Chongqing, Chongqings
County economic work conference leadership speech:The main task of the twenty-six session of the six plenary meeting of the county the county economic work conference this time, by the partys eighteen and eighteen Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, carry out and implement the central and provincial economic work conference on rural work conference and the three session of the seven plenary session of the party to expand the spirit of the meeting, the total summary of last year the work, analysis of the current situation, the deployment of this work, further strengthening the development of consensus, to mobilize the whole county county, deepening reform and innovation, to work against poverty, accelerate the transformation of leapfrog, promote scientific development, struggling to write a new harmonious beautiful mountains and show a prosperous civilization to build a new building. The following chapter * *, according to the county Discussion of the views of the Standing Committee, I focus on four aspects of the problem:* * * years, the county to seriously implement the central decision-making arrangements and real, in accordance with the high position, as a typical tree, catch catch up with speed for a breakthrough, five in one overall grasp to raise human resources to promote overall leap, firmly grasp for the project, investment, industry, structural adjustment, Emegumi Mio, promote harmony, agency the county economy presents the social development to catch up, are balanced development, promote the overall, a good momentum of sustained rise.According to Article 11 priority, economic construction full speed. Focusing on the development of this priority service, set up the market idea is constantly refined, can the implementation of major projects, efforts to expand the investment, vigorously develop the non-public economy, to ensure the continuous healthy and rapid development of the county economy, investment in fixed assets investment, industrial added value. Fiscal income, per capita net income of farmers and other major economic indicators maintained two digit growth. According to the 3341 project engineering, proved reserves pre project 4744, * * 4, for central heating in the west, the South Cave Temple landscape Avenue, oil oil road lifting column ten key coun