language,comparative common adjectives,and the creation of new words and strange words to attract the attention of customers.Business advertising is characterized by simple (Nord,2006:22) 饮用可口可乐,万事顺利。 commonly used verbs represent the relationship between consumers and products.“Get, consider the purpose of translation,and then according to the purpose of translation to equivalence”and explained that its actual concept had not changed.This theory has Second,concept switching method,However,the author's intention or pragmatic meaning have,buy,take,keep"means that a consumer has or owns a product."Use,have" means The research of his paper is based on the dynamic functional equivalence theory and choose the appropriate translation methods,namely“translation purpose decision methods" environment of rhetoric.If the code meaning of the source language cannot fully cxpress Leech(Leech,G.N.,1966:92),a famous British linguist,pointed out that most 2.1.1Lexical Equivalence the contextual effect,the linguistic environment and rhetorical intention of the whole mean,show"shows the function of a product. translation science,which put forward the famous theory of“dynamic cquivalence"from the limitation of language and culture,and the main intention of the slogan is to convey the 钻石恒久远,一颗水流传。 imagination.The high quality,purity and quality of the drink is reflected in this orange IlI The Language features of Advertisement English L.inguistes divides English into five categories of rhetorical funetions:descriptive function, caused by the word“dynamie",Nida replaced“dynamic equivalence"with“functional declarative function,definition function,classification function and instruetion function. guiding significanco for the business English advertising translation with product publicity The combination of“Orange+most+est"is a new word that comes from the Gierman functional translation theory.This chapter talks about what they are and how it can 2.2.2Methods of Functionalist Translation Thcory 3.1Lexical Characteristics of English Advertisement translated language.(Eugene Nida,2004:7-159)In1993,in order to avoid misunderstanding and clear languagc,common adjectives,creation of new and strange words to attract the juice advertisement,Giving consumer infinite daydream.If we translate this advertisement theory.Skopos is the Greck word for purpose.function,motivation.In English we can say products."Feel,taste"descnbes consumers'feelings about the product."Help,prove,last, 感受新视界。 In 1964,Eugene Nida published a preliminary study of A preliminary study of As mentioned advertising is characterized by simple and clear Il Theoretical Basis of Business Advertising English Translation have its unique stylistic characteristies in terms of vocabulary.syntax and rhetoric. functional classification.According to functional classification,Functional Typologicai the perspective of linguisties.Dynamic cquivalence is the closest natural equivalence in the There are four translating methods under the functionalist translation theory.First. inheritance.In the process of translation,functional equivalence theory can largely avoid 只管去做。 solve problems. key information of the product to the consumer group. Advertisement is a kind of language art,which has its own stylistic features,Usually directly.we'll find difficulty in showing the characteristics of the drink. a.The Orangemostest Drink in the world. a.Things go better with Coca-Cola. In English advertisements,monosyllabic verbs are often used,especially for the 2.I Dynamic Functional Equivalence Theory in Business English Translation as the main function. 橙汁饮料中的极品 conccpt paragraph must be considered(Gao Guixian.2008:17).Third,traditional purpose of inducing consumers.In the aspect of syntax,simple sentences and elliptical product.“Feel,like,need"expresses consumers'psyehological tendency towards The use of words in the above four ADs are common words in English(go,last,feel. For example. For examplc. d.Just do it.(Nike sports shoes) interrogative sentences and exclamatory sentences are most frequcntly used. c.Feel the new space.(Samsung electronics) function,purposc,intention and aim.In translation skopos theory think,first of all to is generated on the basis of sentence meaning and is influenced by the linguistic 3.1.I Monosyllabie and Direct Words b.A diamond lasts forever.(DE beers) attention of customers. the relationship of use.“Meet,suit"is related to the suitability of the advertising sentences are mostly used,among which declarative sentences,imperative sentences. advertising language is very persuasive,in order to achieve this function well,so it must