ECOCERT DRGANIC ·to ogarkc standardsequhaleng t Certificate Ecocert SAS No83420075othe pupose ofexporting organic pe No.15,Shimade Shengyang Bian North Street junhe Street,Baiyun District,Guangzhou Has been audited and certified to the USDA organic regulations,7CFR Part205 SPICES,AROMATICAND MEDICINAL PLANTS Fa producsionsteps/acles Capital300000-SIREN897812137-RCSAUCH BP47LiudLamoth Ouesz-32600Lde jourdain Fance Has been audited and certifed: SCAN ME Ecocert SAS hereby canfir ms that: SPICES AROMATICAND MEDICINAL PLANTS tained Raguladons834/2007,889/2008and1235/20085orthe (+33) COFFEE/TEA/CACAO/SUBSTITUTBS burpan ofexporaugogacbroo 中国,广东省,广州市白云区均禾街石马德圣涌边北街15号 Effective date/date of 1st certification:3February 8P47Lieudit Lamothe Ouest-32600L'tsle jourdain France 广州润茗食品科技有限公司 TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD 1/6 Ecocert SAS hereby confirms that: USDA Pabs1/4 ·accordingto the cuntiicason scheme ncogrinad asequkdleng with the proviions of regularon(EC) National Organic Program 北美USDA有机认证 nual update-this is not an expiration date Cerufcxeioaed an8january2024 (+33) Far the following product categories F67C301en No.15,Shimade Shengyong Bian North Street,Junhe Street,Baiyun District,Guangzhou Anniversary date:1st August F61(NOP)/01cn city,Guangzhou Province·CHINA GUANGZHOU RUNMING FOOD The certifcate isvaliduntil31March2025 city Guangzhou Province·CHINA EcocertSAS N°237340/080120240234 欧盟有机认证 when the certified operation must submitits an EXPORT,PREPARA TION,STORING Capital300000C-SREN897812137-RCSAUCH GUANGZHOU RUNMING FOOD TECHNOLOGY CO,LTD Certificate issued on8january2024